Use Case of Goloka in the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry

Case Study

Context and Challenge

A leading pharma institution developing a new brand of antimalarial drugs faced challenges related to the pricing of their product. High drug prices, coupled with limited healthcare budgets and inadequate insurance coverage, pose barriers to access for vulnerable populations, exacerbating the burden of malaria and hindering disease control efforts. The institution also faced data management, storage, and analysis challenges in its research projects. 

Several factors contribute to the complex landscape of antimalarial drug pricing in the market:

  • Production Costs: The cost of manufacturing antimalarial drugs, including raw materials, labour, and regulatory compliance, influences pricing decisions by pharmaceutical companies.

  • Market Dynamics: Supply and demand dynamics, competition from generic manufacturers, and patent protection affect market prices and availability of antimalarial drugs.

  • Regulatory Policies: Government regulations, tariffs, taxes, and import/export restrictions impact the pricing and accessibility of antimalarial medications.

This institution struggled to efficiently collect and utilize primary and secondary market data hindering the pace of market readiness and product launch due to the following barriers:

  1. Limited Access to Data Collectors Nationwide: The absence of a well-established network of data collectors across the country posed a significant challenge. Recruiting and managing such a dispersed workforce proved both financially burdensome and time-consuming.

  2. Complex Payment Procedures: Initiating payments to a vast network of approximately 10,000 data collectors proved a logistical nightmare. Traditional banking transfers were not only expensive but also time-intensive.

  1. Offline Data Collection in Remote Areas: Many of the institution's data collectors operate in remote regions with limited or no internet connectivity. Developing an offline data collection tool emerged as a costly endeavour, adding to operational challenges.

  1. Data Processing and Insights Generation: The sheer volume of data collected posed another obstacle. Extracting meaningful insights promptly from this vast pool of datasets was laborious and time-consuming.

  1. Quality Control and Governance: Existing data collection tools lacked the necessary features for ensuring stringent quality control and validation. This posed risks to data integrity and consistency, undermining the reliability of the company's findings.

  2. Data Management and Storage: Lastly, the need to efficiently manage and store large volumes and varieties of data such as texts, audio, video, images, GPS etc raised concerns. Traditional methods of transferring data between databases proved cumbersome and resource-intensive.

Goloka: The Solution

The research institution streamlined its data collection and utilisation processes by partnering with Dataphyte and leveraging Goloka, a comprehensive AI-powered data management solution.

Upon onboarding Goloka, the pharmaceutical company initiated a targeted campaign across multiple regions, deploying AI-generated survey questions tailored to the campaign's objectives. Utilising Goloka's intuitive interface, the company seamlessly distributed these questionnaires to agents for data collection.

To incentivise participation and ensure timely submissions, the pharmaceutical company loaded its built-in organisational wallet with funds, disbursing payments to each agent’s wallet upon completing and validating each successful survey.

Agents collected diverse datasets, including images, audio, videos, and textual information, encompassing health records, point-of-sale data from community pharmacies, patient surveys, and imagery of drug displays. These datasets were seamlessly uploaded to Goloka's centralised and cloud-based data warehouse.

Leveraging Goloka's AI-powered analytics engine, insights were automatically generated in real-time, empowering the pharmaceutical company with actionable insights and visualisations as data collection progressed. This streamlined approach facilitated efficient decision-making and enhanced market readiness for the company's pharmaceutical products.

Goloka facilitated the following for the Pharmaceutical Company:

Campaign Management: Goloka enabled the pharmaceutical company to create and manage targeted campaigns for data collection across multiple regions and locations.

Survey Generation: Utilizing Goloka's AI survey generator feature, the company could create optimized survey questionnaires tailored to each campaign's objectives quickly and efficiently.

Agent Deployment: Goloka provided a seamless interface for deploying surveys to agents in the field, ensuring easy access to data collection tasks.

Incentive Disbursement: The platform allowed the company to load funds into its organisational wallet and disburse payments to agents upon successful completion and validation of surveys, incentivising timely and accurate data submission.

Data Collection: Agents could easily access and complete surveys using Goloka's user-friendly interface even in remote areas, collecting diverse datasets including images, audio, videos, and text, covering various aspects such as health records, point-of-sale data, patient surveys, and photographic documentation.

Data Upload and Management: Goloka's centralized and cloud-based data warehouse facilitated the automatic upload and storage of collected datasets, ensuring efficient data management and accessibility.

Real-time Insights: Leveraging Goloka's AI-powered analytics engine, the pharmaceutical company had access to real-time insights and data visualisations as data was collected, empowering informed decision-making and enhancing market readiness for its products.

The implementation of Goloka yielded significant results:

Streamlined Data Management: Goloka's automated data collection and data warehousing architecture streamlined data management workflows, reducing manual effort and minimizing data errors.

Enhanced Data Quality: Goloka's advanced analytics capabilities improved data quality by identifying and correcting errors, inconsistencies, and missing values in the dataset, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of research findings.

Accelerated Research: Goloka's efficient data analysis tools enabled researchers to accelerate their research, uncovering insights and trends more quickly and effectively than traditional methods.

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Case Study

Use Case of Goloka in the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry

Healthcare research relies heavily on accurate data collection, efficient data warehousing, and insightful analysis to drive discoveries and improve patient outcomes. Goloka, an AI-powered data platform, offers comprehensive data collection, management, storage, and analysis solutions, empowering researchers to uncover valuable insights and control the governance of complex healthcare datasets.